More early morning rambling.
As every educated person realizes, the human race is 99.9 percent the same in behavior and outlook to a bunch of apes roaming the plains of Africa. Or mooching through the forests. Whichever. The point is - evolutionarily we're just apes who have become slightly less attractive. And ... if you examine tribes of apes what you'll notice is that they generally act pretty well. Just go about their day picking lice off each other, eating some fruit, etc. The big strong males dominate the weaker ones and get more lovin'. And unless they're bonobos they'll get into a bit of clan warfare. Like I said - we are them. However there's a postiive point to the musing. In each ape group there ISN'T a 50 50 divide in which each half regard the other as devils incarnate. They're all pretty much just folks. HENCE the same is true for us. So why is it that we have this insane overlay? This idea that Republicans are evil fascists and Democrats are looney Communists? Why? Well, the answer is clearly that there's a part of our brain that's primed to fall down that fatal rabbit hole and unfortunately it's been discovered that it's profitable to push us down via social media being controlled in such a way as to create a destructive feedback loop. "Hmmmm, you liked that article? Here's another just like it. And another. And another." Our brains aren't wired to resist. In nature, all the apes bump into each other and SEE that the others aren't devils. They learn about alternative points of view. Just like WE did for centuries. So - I'm not suggesting the solution. The problem is close to intractable. All I'm doing is suggesting that whenever you hear someone say or think for yourself "They are MONSTERS!" consider the fact that your outlook might very well have been manipulated and that, just as all your neighbors seem pretty normal, so must it likely be for most everyone else. Except for those one or two actual monsters, of course. ;-)
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