Oh maaaaan. Tell me it ain't so. Years back I purchased an Aeropress, a device that lets you make coffee that's guaranteed to not be bitter or acidy and you can use it at home or take it on trips. Only requirement is a way to heat water for it. Worked great.
So what happened? Somehow it got lost. And thus I bought another. And then found the first. Great. Two identical devices. Oh well, at least I had one when I wanted it, right? Except that we then decided to move out of my home. Packed everything up and put it in storage awaiting the finding of "our new forever place". Buuut, Covid. So we're stuck in a holding pattern in a small temporary living spot. And what don't I have? An Aeropress. Sigh. And then there were three. Anyone want to bet I won't need a fourth before this comedy ends? What's that? You say you'd like a Crowtoon as well? Well, sure! Have you all watched The Princess Bride? I hope so but in the event you haven't, please take my strong recommendation to do so. It has everything one needs in a movie.
And especially, it has the noted swordsman and shrewd observer of life, Inigo Montoya. I'd like to quote him here. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." How appropriate for this day. In that horrific riot at our nation's capitol, where the American flag was removed and replaced with a T**** flag, where violence was done, murder accomplished, and desecration spread, what were the words that stuck out to me? Christian and Democracy. Those insurrectionists defiling the very seat of our government dared to call themselves Christians and claim their actions were in defense of Democracy. I am sure, very very sure, that those words most definitely do not mean what that mob thought they mean. I can only hope that in the days to come those poor delusioned fools might actually open the Bible and the Constitution and spend some quality time learning what those words REAlly mean. It will be worth their effort. |